Enrolling now for 2023 - 2027

Fill in the registration form


Either by email to secretary@legacyintschool.org
Or by hand to the school campus on:
Stand 898 Exhall Road, Greystone Park, Borrowdale

Pay deposit equivalent to one term's fees.

The deposit is non - refundable and it secures your child's place at Legacy

Emily Clarke-Farr is our first enrollee at Legacy International School


  1. Baby Care
    From 3 months upwards

  2. Nursery / Creche

  3. ECD A

  4. ECD B

  5. Grades 1 to 4

  • In the near future, Legacy will grow into a High School
    Forms 1 to 6

Free Lunches and Teas:

Mondays to Fridays

Weekly Boarding:

Drop offs on Monday mornings

Pick ups anytime from end of school day Friday